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Valentine Card Holder

have a heart Valentine card holder school craft

This tutorial is adapted from my article originally published in the February 1999 edition of Today's Parent Magazine.

A perfect way to show off your Valentines!.

What you will need :

Corrugated cardboard

.We flattened out a sheet that had been used to wrap a present, but there are many new designs out there to choose from.

1" to 1-1/2" wide.

Cutting Out Your Heart

Using utility scissors, cut a large heart from a piece of flat cardboard.

Using the cardboard heart as a template, draw a second, larger heart on the unprinted side of your wrapping paper. You should allow at least an extra 2 inches all around the cardboard heart.

Place the wrapping paper heart printed side down so that the unprinted side is facing up. Rub glue over one side of the cardboard heart.

Center the cardboard heart over the wrapping paper heart so that the glued side is facing down.

Press the two hearts together. Smooth the wrapping paper flat so there aren't any air bubbles or creases.

Ribbon Heart

Gently poke two holes at the top of the heart. String ribbon through the holes to make a hanger.

Stretch lengths of elastic tightly across the wrapping paper side of the heart. Staple the ends of the elastic to the back side of the heart. The elastic will hold your Valentines in place.

Cover the elastic with ribbon. Tape the ribbon ends securely to the back. Cover any exposed or sharp staples with clear tape.

Thank you to all the writers, bloggers, newsletters and magazines that credit and acknowledge when you adapt or quote an idea or tutorial from my website.

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