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Children's Art

Children's Arts and Crafts

We believe it is important for children to experience art and crafts without kits. Although we supply free templates and patterns, we see these as a jumping off point for children to make their own designs. Always remember: Art is messy! We hope this website will help you plan projects for your afterschool program, scout troop, Sunday school, preschool or homeschool! To get started, click on the links to the left of the screen for craft instructions and art lesson plans.

We add new tutorials and free crafts patterns monthly. If you are over 18 years old and would like free art downloads and advance notice of our tutorials, join our newsletter: click here to sign up. Your email address will be kept private, will only be used by us, and won't be sold to a third party.

Visit our sister site Regional Arts and Crafts for a Pastel Drawing Tutorial.

Visist D'Art for an excellent selection of fine art from artists around the world.
d'ART - The Internet Art Database

Chenille Easter Baskets and Easter Nests Foil Garlands
Art Lesson: Mary Cassatt